Poster Presentations

Electrokinetic remediation approach towards As, Pb, Cu and Ni extraction from Bukit Ibam iron ore mine tailing at Pahang state, Peninsular Malaysia

Abdul Wahab, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Innovative Approach to Oil Spill Cleanup using In Situ Formation of Super Hydrophilic Compounds

Ali A. Binabdi, Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Study on Interface Behavior of Pickering Emulsion in Chemical Flooding

Baoliang Peng, Senior Reservoir Engineering, RIPED, CNPC, China

Effects of graphene oxide magnetic nanofluid on rock-fluid interfacial properties

Enrique Mejia-Ospino, Professor, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

Effect of salinity on the interfacial properties of the Colombian heavy crude/water/rock system

Enrique Mejia-Ospino, Professor, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

Rheology and microstructure of magnetic responsive Janus particle-stabilized Pickering emulsions

Jacob John, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada

Experimental Assessment of Wettability Alteration in Sandstone Rocks via Graphene Oxide Adsorption through Amott-Harvey Evaluation

Jimena Gómez-Delgado, Grupo de Investigación en Tomografía Computarizada, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Impact of Salinity on Drag Reduction Performance of Additives and Blends in Turbulent Flow

Kotaybah Hashlamoun, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Calgary

Impact of Salinity on Drag Reduction Performance of Additives and Blends in Turbulent Flow

Kotaybah Hashlamoun, Postdoctoral Associate, Dept of Chemical & Petroleum Eng

University of Calgary, Canada

Analysis of the Physicochemical Changes of a Heavy Colombian Crude Oil subjected to Steam Injection Processes with Catalysts

Luis Miguel Salas-Chia, Research Professional, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

The composite chemical oil displacement agents containing biosurfactant

Lina Yi, Reservoir Engineer, RIPED, PETROCHINA, China

Effect of Salinity on Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS): Molecular Dynamic Simulation and Pore-scale Analysis

Oscar Enrique Medina Erazo, University of Calgary, Canada

Electromagnetic Heating with Nanoparticles to Increase the Recovery Factor in a Colombian Oil Field: Experimental Tests and Numerical Simulation

Paola León, EOR Professional, Grupo de Investigación en Tomografía para caracterización de yacimientos-Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

Field Trial Results of Closable Frac Sleeves with Integrated Injection-Control Devices

Patrick Gould, EIT, NCS Multistage, Canada

Study of downhole telemetry monitoring technology in the gas flooding well

Qiang Chen, Department of Intelligent Control and Equipment

(Interdisciplinary Research Center), PetroChina, China

The Research and Application on Emulsification Flooding Technology of Surfactants in low Permeability Reservoirs

Qun Zhang, Senior Reservoir Engineer, RIPED, PETROCHINA, China

The Role of Polymer EOR in Facilitating the Oil Producer’s Road to

Net-Zero while Ensuring Sustainable and Affordable Energy Supply

Ryan Wilton, Senior Reservoir Engineer/Technical Advisor, SNF Inc, Canada

Designing a business model for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) projects in Saskatchewan

Saman Azadbakht, Assistant Professor, University of Regina, Canada

On the impact of asphaltene and resin on the formation of water in oil emulsions in a microfluidic system

Sepideh Palizdan, University of Regina, Canada

An Improved Reservoir Characterization Model for Balkassar Oil Field, Potwar Plateau, Pakistan

Syed Waheed Akram, Geologist, OGDCL (Oil & Gas Development Corporation Limited), Pakistan

Characterization of two-phase relative permeabilities curves at Brazilian pre-salt reservoir conditions

Tálisson Borges, University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Columbia

Exploitation of geothermal reservoirs using abandoned wells by designing and optimizing multiple-well arrangements

Yue Zhuo, University of Regina, Canada